Mária Žuffová

PhD Candidate

University of Strathclyde, UK

I am a PhD Candidate in Politics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. I completed an MA in Public Policy (2010) from Central European University in Budapest.

Before starting my doctoral studies in 2015, I worked for five years as a project manager of civic tech projects in a Bratislava-based civil society organisation. My research interests are broadly political and social impacts of new information and communication technologies, government transparency, and media’s use of freedom of information and open data.

I have also worked for the Open Government Partnership as an IRM researcher for Slovakia.

Speaking In

Why do governments publish Open Data?

In the past decade, many countries have demonstrated their commitment to transparency, launching Open Data portals.

Maria explores why governments decide to adopt policies that limit their control over information. Drawing from organisational theory and political competition literature, she proposes motivations for increasing access to government information.