Where is the crossover between civic tech and smart cities – and to what extent can the former, with its years of hard-won experience, shape the latter?
Wigan are trying something new: a contract between residents and the council as both sides strive for a better borough. Side deck.
MHCLG share how they are helping Local Government to ‘fix the plumbing’, by putting the basics in place now — and quickly. Slide deck.
Slide deck running through the benefits of hosting in the cloud.
The urban barometer, uses digital technologies to engage with citizens and provide evidence on subjective aspects of wellbeing to guide policy makers
A key theme for Nanjala is the effect that technology is having on politics — in her home country of Kenya, but also across Africa and globally.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh aimed to bring 110 cities and towns online, with the goals of improving service delivery to citizens, moving to data-driven governance processes, improving revenues and increasing transparency and accountability.