A short video walk through of making an FOI request.
What an authority sees when they receive your FOI request, how they can respond and how the request-maker can manage a response once it is received.
See how to make a batch Freedom of Information request to multiple authorities, using the Alaveteli Pro service.
View the Alaveteli Pro dashboard, and see what happens when the responses come in from a batch Freedom of Information request to multiple authorities.
Workshop presentation on using FOI in the UK.
Short workshop on some of the things that have been made possible through UK FOI requests.
How Alaveteli’s additional features for journalists, campaigners and researchers have been used to support impactful and award winning investigations.
Basic tips and trips for ensuring your FOI requests get full and adequate responses.
Ilya Siatitsa of Privacy International, Isaac Beevor of Climate Emergency UK and freelance journalist Rosie Taylor explain how to get media coverage for the stories you uncover via FOI.
View the Alaveteli Pro dashboard, and see what happens when the responses come in from a batch Freedom of Information request to multiple authorities.
Users of the Alaveteli Freedom of Information (FOI) software from around the world give their top tips for setting up a FOI request site.
Users of the Alaveteli software from around the world explain their motivations behind setting up their Freedom of Information request sites.
In this video, users of the Alaveteli Freedom of Information (FOI) software from around the world explain the challenges of running FOI request sites in their countries.
Open data expert Francis Davey delivers training on the UK’s Defamation Act and how this affects those running websites featuring user-generated content.
Very short excerpts from the longer ‘Getting the most from FOI’ seminar.
Excerpts from the longer seminar.
A written account of the seminar which you can also see in video form.
A written account of the seminar which you can also see in video form.
A written account of the seminar which you can also see in video form.
Find out what BIDs are, what they do, and what sort of FOI requests might be usefully made to them.
Which authorities might you send FOI requests to, to obtain useful information about water pollution and quality?
Don’t despair if you receive ‘information not held’ in response to your FOI requests: this can be useful information in itself.
A look at some of the common auto-responses from authorities, and why they aren’t as worrying as they may seem.
Privacy International used FOI to understand how authorities are accessing social media accounts to screen job applicants, court defendants, protestors and recipients of benefits.
Link to a training course from The Ferret.
A step by step explainer on how to get data out of Pro.
How to add a link from your FOI request/s on WhatDoTheyKnow to any news stories or research where they’ve been cited.
The channels available to you if you don’t receive a response within the allocated time.
A walk-through of the options available to you when you receive a refusal to your FOI request.
Learn about the types of information you might request from coroners, and how it can be used.
How the batch feature works on Pro.
Find out what these NHS bodies do, and what sorts of information you might ask them for.
A little-known method for helping followers to make requests to authorities.
An explanation of the ‘proof of receipt’ icon on Alaveteli.
Advice on how to bring more users to your FOI site.
Instructions for how to receive an email whenever someone uses your chosen keyword/s in a request.
Step by step walkthrough on how to follow a specific authority on an Alaveteli site, so that you get an email every time someone makes an FOI request to them.
Never made an FOI request before? Start with these simple instructions.
A beginners guide to fundraising streams
Learning from OKFDe and ForSet about different ways to use FOI data to tell stories and make campaigns
A training seminar on getting the most from requesting information in the UK
A blog post about the training mySociety held on using FOI data to tell a story
A blog post about the training on creating datasets from FOI data
Post explaining how to use the new Alaveteli feature – exploring CSVs in Datasette
A post about the request categories feature for Alaveteli
Insights from our community of practice fundraising chat
A 45 minute workshop given by OpenUp ZA on creating and using impact measures for advocacy and campaign work
A 45 minute masterclass on legal framework reform, touching on legal analysis, how to choose your campaign and some case studies of what worked