The Viewpoint project: engaging a disenfranchised community with street tech

What can you do when residents are suffering from ‘consultation fatigue’, with a low sense of efficacy due to lack of change? A slide deck.

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The politics of civic tech platforms

Civic tech started as an idea that became a community that became a buzzword. Now, it is a market.
Slide deck.

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Mapping slacktivism: patterns of low-threshold civic participation on the internet

Looking more deeply into the impact of low-cost, low-risk online actions. A slide deck.

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The interested bystander, in context

The interested bystander is an individual who is civically aware, but not civically active.

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Design principles for re-engaging disaffected citizens

This paper assesses the impact of a design process to understand root causes of anti-government populism, and the means of reversing its spread.

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CoFacts: the chatbot that combats misinformation

CoFacts is a collaborative fact-checking project that combines a chatbot with a hoax database, integrated within LINE, a popular instant messenger app in Asia.

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Diverting hate speech with simple online tools

A modified version of iHub Kenya’s Umati project monitored and countered hate speech during the country’s elections of 2015. Learn about the link between events offline and hate speech online, that allow triggers to be identified.

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Evaluating the impacts of voter information campaigns

What makes effective content; what are the best methods of communication; and how best to evaluate impact on voter information, behaviour, and candidate response?

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Being unsocial on social media: the implications for civic and political engagement

The phenomena of political filtering and unfriending on social media, and their civic and political implications in an international context.

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Preventing abuse on Facebook during the 2018 US midterm elections

A behind-the-scenes look at how Facebook attempted to identify and combat coordinated attempts at manipulation and voter suppression on their platform.

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Impacts of ‘school chooser’ digital tools

When the sole determinant of which school children attend is their residential address, it can produce a spiral of unequal schooling conditions that are difficult to remedy.

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