Chihhao Yu is the Co-director of IORG (@iorgtw) and one of many contributors to Taiwan’s civic hacking community g0v (pronounced “gov-zero”) (@g0vtw). Chihhao works with both his institutional and communal capacities toward a more open, informed, and resilient society.

g0v, founded in 2012, is a polycentric community of self-organized contributors and projects, promoting public good and civil society resilience through open data, open government, open-source software, and open collaboration. Chihhao started his contribution to the community in 2014, to the biennial g0v Summit in 2018, co-founded the international taskforce in 2019, and continue to co-organize “Facing the Ocean”, a network of civic hackers from East and Southeast Asia, including Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.

IORG, or Taiwan Information Environment Research Center, was established in 2019 with the mission to facilitate evidence-based, reasonable, and diverse democratic discourse for Taiwan through information environment research and digital civics education. Chihhao co-founded IORG and has been coordinating scientific research, data engineering, and community engagement, while building domestic and international partnerships based on a shared commons of data, knowledge, and code.

IORG g0v X profile