Civic Tech Surgery #6

Topic: Civic Tech in Hostile Environments – how can we thrive in challenging contexts?

17 October 2022

This surgery discussed the challenges of running civic tech initiatives in conflict settings and other difficult contexts. The panellists brought their experiences to the questions of how best to support the civic tech community in hostile environments; and what is – and isn’t – helpful when we are doing so.

Panel members were Teona Tomashvili of ForSet in Georgia; Yolanda Booyzen of the global organisation HURIDOCS; and Julie Hawke from the international Build Up.

Here are resources from the Surgery:

  • Minutes
  • A transcript automatically generated by (ie, please be aware there may be errors in spellings etc)
  • A blog post summarising the challenges discussed and some possible solutions Action Lab #6 could take forward
  • The Padlet board where attendees shared their thoughts on the questions raised during the discussion, before, during and after the Surgery (please feel free to add your thoughts to this too!)
  • The full recording of the Surgery

Action Lab #6: taking ideas forward

Following this Surgery, we convened an Action Lab (aka working group), who worked together to commission a piece of work to help solve common challenges raised by Surgery attendees. Find out more about the Action Lab.